T.R.U.T.H Youth Ministries Welcomes YOU!
T.R.U.T.H. stands for Teens Redeemed Unto True Holiness. Our goals as a youth ministry are to bring the truth of God's Word to all generations, specifially teens, ages 13-19. Currently we are meeting on Sunday mornings at 10AM and Wednesdays at 7PM (following worship service) in the youth room of Collinsville PHC and will be doing youth activities throughout each month.
Some events include Super Sundays, Parents' Night Out, summer camp, bowling, movie nights, etc. Once we build up our youth group, we will have activities that involve teen skill building, discipleship classes, and Bibile studies.
A part of our ministry is outreach to the local community and to those with hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Our mission is to empower the youth of today with the knowledge to gain the power of Christ in their lives by improving their relationship with Jesus.
If you have any questions, we can be reached at (276) 647-7040.
We hope you will come and be a part of T.R.U.T.H. Youth Ministries!
Youth Pastors William and Vanessa Hylton